
We’re here to help you achieve your goals for inclusion and diversity

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Soccer Ball on pitch

How we help

Industry-leading solutions

women playing tennis

Inclusion planning, strategy & policy

Know where you are at so you can plan ahead with confidence.

Man at table with laptop

Training and workshops

Customised training to build awareness, capability and confidence.


Program design and evaluation

Deliver sustainable and effective inclusive sport programs.

Man at table with laptop

Advisory support

Leverage our expertise to support your diversity, equity and inclusion objectives.


Staff development and mentoring

Maximise your impact to become an inclusion leader.

Got a Question?

who we work with

Trusted by leading sport organisations

Other Services

We offer leading sector-wide solutions to help make inclusion happen at scale.


We offer industry-leading online courses, webinars and tailored workshops for community club volunteers, coaches, sport administrators and inclusion leaders at all levels.

Auditing App

Sport Access HQ is a web application that helps clubs and sport facilities identify, track and resolve access and inclusion issues. It also provides data to peak bodies to inform inclusion planning and strategy.


Joyful illustrations of diverse sports people and activities for use in digital projects. These illustrations are designed to be used in documents and marketing material, on websites and apps, anywhere. We’ve created these illustrations to reflect the wonderful diversity of our sporting world. Because representation matters.

Aboriginal flag
Torres Straight islander flag

Inclusive Sport Design acknowledges the Gundungurra and Tharawal people who are the custodians of the land where we work and live. Gundungurra and Tharawal people have strong connection to the Wingecarribee, Wollondilly and Nattai rivers through culture, dreaming and songlines. We pay respect to their elders past, present and emerging.